Killing Time? killing thursdays!
i dont believe im actually doing this. oh i am sitting in the internet cafe. (honestly) not because of this blog but because of UTOPIA. hahaha...oh well, i didnt plan to be online for an hour or more but (sigh) circumstances in the game had to have me wait for about an hour and a half. Oh well, aside from scanning about the friendster world, i decided to write a bit here.
You wouldn't believe the schedule im running in this UNIVERSITY. today is thursday...the not so wanna be in this kinda day. though my first class starts goes on (SKIPPING LUNCH!!!) until 7 in the evening! imagine that! thats 7.5 hours NON-STOP!! not to mention the additional 2 hours for ARNIS training (but i like training).
Its kinda sad coz the Navigators is holding a fellowship around having doubts of trying to make habol...coz....i still havent thought of a way to walk-in fashionable...(late).
But anyways...since im talking about thursdays. Let me describe to you a typical thurs...DAY!
i wake up (not to the sound of my alarm clock; lucky me!) but to the groaning of my stomach (lol, im always hungry.). skipping out of my bed, i walk right to the next room. Where (today) my dad is already eating his share of oatmeal. yumyum.... Oatmeal. goodness, i love them esp wen baked into something. add in fresh milk, a bit of sugar (dad's diabetic so i wouldn't risk it either)...and munch my way thru. lol...i had 3 servings (still alot of sugar....forgive me). then laying back on the monobloc chair...i poured myself a glass of hot water (duh...i didnt drink that) one sachet of good ol swiss miss chocolate w marshmellows and had a hearthy drink. of course that was in my fav black mug w/c had "MEN are not PIGS" labeled around it.
hahaha...yes yes (i mean if you so happened to be a bitter FCS*/feminist ) my dismay, upon the bliss of finding a cup which shared a mutual desire to express "those that needed expressed" and the eagerness ot buy such a cup, i totally missed out the small inscriptions w/c read..."pigs are gentle, sensitive and intelligent animals"
lol...but nevertheless....when looking at the cup (dreamingly--that happens when you drink or have too much chocholate)...i always assure myself: " that would make women Pigs ey?" hahaha....
a cold shower always follow my breakfast. This is where i begin my grooming...(i need not go to all the details...comeon, thats for me to know and for my GF to fing out -> not that i have one...but maybe...when i get one. hahaha..) oh well...i guess the only thing worth saying for today's ridiculous post is when i noticed that there was a new bar soap laid on where it should be laid. me and my dad share soaps...i mean, He IS my DAD. (nevermind, i usually have my own...) but anyways, the soap's unique scent was what first caught my attention. It was unique (and i suck at descriptive no use on trying)....but what really made"want to use it"...(hahaha, sorry for the lack of creative what-so-ever to make it best friend (one of the many, actually) is online. hmm...ill chat for awhile.
WHAT!!!!? now, he told me that Nikko and himself (allow me to introduce...PEMPEM and NIKKO...two of the few who i love) ahve found themselve GIRLFRIENDS...ARGH>....NO!!!!!! so bitter. never mind that...
anyways since pem hasnt replied yet...the soap:
IT WAS ORANGE....hahaha, now that sounded fetish. lol...
hey, i cant help it....i love orange....
ok...just as a thought...pem was "practicing" the phrase..."may uyab n kmi ni nikko bai..." hahaha...haay... i miss the two.
this is another reason why i go online. sometimes it can be lonely studying in this university....i just need ways to connect to friends.
back to thursdays: after getting all geared up...i race (on my bike) to the nearest internet cafe....hence "here i am"...duh! and like i meantioned. UTOPIA!!!!hehehe...
my first class is Math 1....thats in an hour so i need to have early lunch (brunch...but i had breakfast!).
i think i'll write something about my classes....maybe later.
but as of now...
thats early thursdays!
losing my grip. [9:50 AM]
*My Name: JAY
*August 25 1986
*University of the Philippines @ Los BaƱos
Ridiculous Ramblings: yada yada...whatever.....
anything, nothing, the like....ravings, ramblings...cuss...curses.... (yuk!)
you do know what im driving at....? (well, unless ur "dat" s2pd)...
my interpretations of life, experiences and everything..... <>br
oh and do tag the page eveytime you visit...thank you!!!
.:. Loves .:.
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*PCRs and Electrophoresis GES
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.:. Memory Lane .:.
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October 2005
.:. Treasure Chests(articles worth...ehem..mentioning) .:.
Lifes Clandestine
The way you make me feel
Dream Journals
Pics sa Taiwan
.:. Links (How i like it) .:.
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.:. Others .:.
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*myk's rock
*Tal's Anguish
*Hat Gang: Ian
*Hat Gang: Cherry Tomatoes
*Hat Gang: Mannei!
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*Simply Tony
*Ksuyen ~ deviantart
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Whatever I wanna say.
This is MY blog.
I am happy!
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