You are lifes clandestine. I know I have seen you before in my dreams. A gut feeling that Ive seen you yet veiled upon waking to reality and desperately trying to remember the meaning of beauty in your eyes. Ive seen you in unexpected seconds of life. Ive seen glimpses of you in a smile, or in the warmth of an embrace or in a bliss of a kiss. Ive seen you in the momentary euphoria of love. Ive seen you in the serene scene of dawn, in the clouds that seem to form your face and in the grace of sparrows in flight. Ive seen you in parts and traits of other people yet none can compare to you. I know of your light that radiates from the clouds of obscurity of having not known you. Yes, you are nameless but deep inside I know I called you Mine. You are typical, you are ideal, you are perfection. You are my treasure whom I seek and the whole universe conspires in helping me find you. Guided by the One supreme, I wait in the assurance of the existence of your love. See the wind that brings me the sweet scent of your perfume and the birds that sing of your voice. Hear the sun, bellowing with its heat of your warmth and the tranquil seas that brings tidings of your glamour. See the rain that tells me of your sadness, the sky that reflects your mood, see that shooting star rejoicing in your success.I cry not of despair, for it is written that we shall cross times boundaries and meet. I look forward to that day when I shall be complete.
losing my grip. [5:21 PM]
*My Name: JAY
*August 25 1986
*University of the Philippines @ Los BaƱos
Ridiculous Ramblings: yada yada...whatever.....
anything, nothing, the like....ravings, ramblings...cuss...curses.... (yuk!)
you do know what im driving at....? (well, unless ur "dat" s2pd)...
my interpretations of life, experiences and everything..... <>br
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Lifes Clandestine
The way you make me feel
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