August Wrapup - Already?
wow...thats fast.
here goes my monthly summary.
a total of 13 posts...hmm...not bad. considering, as i said last month, that my blog survived this long. but i havn't been very active in posting posts...and actually describing my day to detail. bah...i told no good.
August has been great. it is after all the month when i turned 18. hahaha.
Achievements of the month:
*i survived midterms.
*i was a bit deppressed once...for a week i guess...just missed davao and the people there.
*that follwed by being a jerk for a while
*Dad's BACK!!!!
*and my BDAY dilemma.
hahaha..thats pretty much everthing on my posts.
though, to be quite honest, i kinda left out alot of "details" and "happenings" that've been going on (esp) lately. i think my blog has gotten too "public" (hehehe) express certain "feelings"..nevertheless, if you MUST know...i'm happy.
i still havn't thought of my next month's ed of RID RAMS...
but most probably it will be reflecting my "emotional-pathethic-romantic side "...hahaha.
i already have a blogskin prospect...but it'll need major re-touching...considering my links and tag-board. oh well...
maybe tomorrow....
losing my grip. [9:33 AM]
*My Name: JAY
*August 25 1986
*University of the Philippines @ Los BaƱos
Ridiculous Ramblings: yada yada...whatever.....
anything, nothing, the like....ravings, ramblings...cuss...curses.... (yuk!)
you do know what im driving at....? (well, unless ur "dat" s2pd)...
my interpretations of life, experiences and everything..... <>br
oh and do tag the page eveytime you visit...thank you!!!
.:. Loves .:.
*AIM-ing and YM-ing
*PCRs and Electrophoresis GES
.:. Hates .:.
.:. Memory Lane .:.
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
December 2004
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
October 2005
.:. Treasure Chests(articles worth...ehem..mentioning) .:.
Lifes Clandestine
The way you make me feel
Dream Journals
Pics sa Taiwan
.:. Links (How i like it) .:.
*Orisinal Flash Games!
.:. Others .:.
click here
*snoopy josh
*myk's rock
*Tal's Anguish
*Hat Gang: Ian
*Hat Gang: Cherry Tomatoes
*Hat Gang: Mannei!
*Elaine, the Fabulous
*Simply Tony
*Ksuyen ~ deviantart
*Shout Mix
*Blog Counters
Whatever I wanna say.
This is MY blog.
I am happy!
btw do take my survey HERE