All Munched on Corn...
talk about being corny. well, i never was the joker...or rather occasionally ive desparately been trying...real hard. i never understood really...i mean...i could remember back when i was still in highschool, i always brought out those good laughs. guess im just been losing touch,eh? no longer that silly scrawny boy with the ridiculous accent.
oh well, subject came up coz i couldnt resist eating good old corn. just around the corner, this old lady was selling sweet-corn at 10 pesos each for a living. Not bad a price considering the size of the corn she sells...usually, in davao i could eat 3 "normal sized" corn...this kind old lady's corn is big enough for my fill...
today was the usual monday. though i could say im a bit "hanged-over" by the laxed sked last week. this week, i have several reqts to pass, most of w/c were due today in most of w/c were crammed in today's sked. luckily, i was able to pass all of today's reqts on time. hahaha...
my cramming skills do not cease to amaze me but dont bring out the best in me either.
sigh...among the wonderful reqts is my speech for sir joey, who i do not want to fail...i will make a good one.promise! aside form the reqts, i have two exams to top it on wed - vmcb124 w/c i hvnt studied yet...and another on fri, w/c i too havnt studied for...hahaha.
tada...the bad me?...nah, just lazy, ill pick up speed, later this eve.
i decide to sport on the atlantis cologne of bench for the next couple of days. boy, did it bring back memories...atlantis was one of the most aromatic, darn-turns-me-on-cologne when i was back in highschool. well..memories such as highschool crushes (coz its uni-sex)...attacting on so forth... you could just leave me alone - lost in my own world of memories...
..ok, wake up jay..
i should be going..
GUTOM na AKO!!! it was an hour ago since i was muching on corn
btw, if you must know, i type at a pace w/c allows me to jump from one site to, um...hahaha..dont underestimate my typing (or maybe thinking) capacity.
ok...duh jay (ang assuming ko tuloy)...sorry folks, its just the now empty stomach talking.
losing my grip. [8:15 PM]
*My Name: JAY
*August 25 1986
*University of the Philippines @ Los BaƱos
Ridiculous Ramblings: yada yada...whatever.....
anything, nothing, the like....ravings, ramblings...cuss...curses.... (yuk!)
you do know what im driving at....? (well, unless ur "dat" s2pd)...
my interpretations of life, experiences and everything..... <>br
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