heres a thought:
why dont i get some rest?
its 1 in the morning already...
JAY SLEEP! go sleep na..
ok ok..
so im singing right...
milk and cereals...
milk and cereals..
then the gang would go..
"the numa numa song"..
ahhhhhhh...twy twy...why did you ever introduce me to these sites.
oh well...
do get a kick out of this.
well, seems the gang stills here..
singing rnb and our hearts out..
in the computer room
here in the admissions building..
its 1 in the morning!!!!!
losing my grip. [1:00 AM]
*My Name: JAY
*August 25 1986
*University of the Philippines @ Los BaƱos
Ridiculous Ramblings: yada yada...whatever.....
anything, nothing, the like....ravings, ramblings...cuss...curses.... (yuk!)
you do know what im driving at....? (well, unless ur "dat" s2pd)...
my interpretations of life, experiences and everything..... <>br
oh and do tag the page eveytime you visit...thank you!!!
.:. Loves .:.
*AIM-ing and YM-ing
*PCRs and Electrophoresis GES
.:. Hates .:.
.:. Memory Lane .:.
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
December 2004
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
October 2005
.:. Treasure Chests(articles worth...ehem..mentioning) .:.
Lifes Clandestine
The way you make me feel
Dream Journals
Pics sa Taiwan
.:. Links (How i like it) .:.
*Orisinal Flash Games!
.:. Others .:.
click here
*snoopy josh
*myk's rock
*Tal's Anguish
*Hat Gang: Ian
*Hat Gang: Cherry Tomatoes
*Hat Gang: Mannei!
*Elaine, the Fabulous
*Simply Tony
*Ksuyen ~ deviantart
*Shout Mix
*Blog Counters
Whatever I wanna say.
This is MY blog.
I am happy!
btw do take my survey HERE